Thursday, 28 April 2011

fatbwoi live @ the rowell charter inn 270411

they mostly come out at night... mostly

word up you crazy cats!! hows it all goin'...?

played me a lil' set at the rowell charter acoustic club last night, and had me a most-excellent time... ja, for sure! not only was there a distinct shaking of the thang, but also some new stuff, a discovery, and only one minor bwoi-head/ceiling collision - happy time

i never hit me head on the beam above the stage... i see it happening everytime i walk into the pub, but it never actually does! its definitely a very short pub... as for the low ceiling over the step, well yeah... spoke about it with stuart, brained myself on-it about an hour later... managed to look casual - sssshhhhh, no-one need ever know

but the music... ah yes, always (or rather never) with the music (normally first preference goes to the lasers!!!)

there was some chicken, some zombies, ...bit of god - usual suspects (and ting)

also dropped me a bit of 'sunny afternoon'... and without g (of mighty boomshadow fame) to back me up, i done did have to sing the words myself... and it actually had two different verses (!!!)... and the obligatory dose of swing...

also played completely totally new-one 'bite me' ...the one in which i get to pretend to be a trumpet - happy time ...its got the rhythmic stops too, i was being all conceptual and replacing every word stop with the action... guess i'll be doing complex installations next... 8)

and what did i discover...? a new flavour of crisp... that is more than ronseal *shock-horror* yes, it actually did more than it said on the tin (packet)... but i cannot tell you what flavour they were, only that whilst good they were not as good as the paprika - they got some kinda super-injuction (or something)

ok, maybe i can tell you one more thing... the colour of the packet, whilst appropriate, does not match the flavour. however to do that it would have needed flecks of green, red and possibly brown, and let's be honest about it, that's never gonna look appetising... think about it, we're all down with the whole red-is-ready-salted (blue is cheese-and-onion... or whatever) concept, but by the natural extension of this, who's gonna want to eat organic-technicolour crisps?!

peace-out y'all

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