Tuesday 10 May 2011

the little plant that can't...

my plant is dead - again... (or is it?!)

by my plant, i mean 'the' plant... the freaky one that sits on the kitchen window ledge occasionally sprouting audrey-esque fronds and mad pink flowers...

it also has a habit of dying... like properly going brown and dripping bits off all over the shop, before receding into the pot and out of view... and then just when i start to get bored of having an empty pot by the window, back it comes slightly more random than before...

its done it like eleven times...

i have no idea what kind of plant it is... i only ever once saw one outside of my house, and that was hanging above somebodies door... it had pink flowers and dangly fronds - its owner didn't know what it was/where it was from, but his seemed to die less than mine...

it is dead again...

only its not... there's another couple of mad audrey fronds, and a leaf on the far side of the pot... the mass in the middle of the pot looks for all the world like an avocado... but without the orange...

there also appears to be some form of miniature fern growing in the pot too... it looks a bit jurassic, i have no idea where it came from...

i reckon 'the' plant is probably into reincarnation, and has died so many times that we are starting to find manifestations there-of within my pad... ooo-er

my towel smells like garlic

but back with the jurassic, my knobbly cactus that never does anything save look knobbly and spiky has flowered!! about 15 of the beggars, that close at night... its hard to tell whether or not it has grown, it being a shapeless knobbly mass...

the succulent has grown, and has now decided it doesn't like the sun and is growing away from it (the last month of growing towards it obviously being a cunning ruse) and directly into my living room...

am i worried that i have in fact populated my house with triffids? a little...

i replanted some of the pods which fell of the damn-spiky kami-cactus (which grows in its own unique, and also highly irregular, style) ...and they appear to have sprouted! lil' mini-cacti with even smallers pods there-on - fabulous...

the kami-cactus (and pods) breakin' out all over the shop...

its creating great new cover for me transformers... 

hell yeah!! the battle continues, its looking a bit like a strangely diminished and sun-faded (it'll be all those years floating in space) unicron may just get the jump on mirage... but prime is lurking behind the kami-cactus with his huge cannon out (hur hur hur)...

hot rod is down the other end getting his ass whooped by (original) soundwave... because some things just have to be the way they be...

however some of the kami-cactus pods did less well...

cliff-jumper looks like he may have eaten some peyote and is tripping out at the cactus... 

this might also explain the excess of bumblebee's...

i've said too much...

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