they mostly come out at night... mostly
word up you crazy cats!! hows it all goin'...?
played me a lil' set at the rowell charter acoustic club last night, and had me a most-excellent time... ja, for sure! not only was there a distinct shaking of the thang, but also some new stuff, a discovery, and only one minor bwoi-head/ceiling collision - happy time
i never hit me head on the beam above the stage... i see it happening everytime i walk into the pub, but it never actually does! its definitely a very short pub... as for the low ceiling over the step, well yeah... spoke about it with stuart, brained myself on-it about an hour later... managed to look casual - sssshhhhh, no-one need ever know
but the music... ah yes, always (or rather never) with the music (normally first preference goes to the lasers!!!)
there was some chicken, some zombies, ...bit of god - usual suspects (and ting)
also dropped me a bit of 'sunny afternoon'... and without g (of mighty boomshadow fame) to back me up, i done did have to sing the words myself... and it actually had two different verses (!!!)... and the obligatory dose of swing...
also played completely totally new-one 'bite me' ...the one in which i get to pretend to be a trumpet - happy time ...its got the rhythmic stops too, i was being all conceptual and replacing every word stop with the action... guess i'll be doing complex installations next... 8)
and what did i discover...? a new flavour of crisp... that is more than ronseal *shock-horror* yes, it actually did more than it said on the tin (packet)... but i cannot tell you what flavour they were, only that whilst good they were not as good as the paprika - they got some kinda super-injuction (or something)
ok, maybe i can tell you one more thing... the colour of the packet, whilst appropriate, does not match the flavour. however to do that it would have needed flecks of green, red and possibly brown, and let's be honest about it, that's never gonna look appetising... think about it, we're all down with the whole red-is-ready-salted (blue is cheese-and-onion... or whatever) concept, but by the natural extension of this, who's gonna want to eat organic-technicolour crisps?!
peace-out y'all
a peak inside the world of fatbwoi... complete with music, zombies, lasers, all the usual kinda stuff... like cracking open his brain and feasting on the goo inside, but with less cracking... happy time
Thursday, 28 April 2011
Sunday, 24 April 2011
Walrus Gumboot @ Lock 42 - 1st May 2011
next sunday, 1st May 2011, i'll be taking to the stage at Lock 42 for another one of the most-excellent 'Walrus Gumboot' events... its an all day charity show, with some great musicians coming out to shake that thang in support of 'Young Minds'...
'Young Minds is the UK's leading charity committed to improving the emotional wellbeing and mental health of children and young people and empowering their parents and carers', there's more information on what they do on their website -
...this event is being held to mark what would have been the 40th birthday of John Rohleder who passed away in his early 20's having been diagnosed as a schizophrenic at university...
the whole event is FREE (donations are of course more than welcome), and there really are some top quality musicians coming out to lay down some most excellent music... so please c'mon down and show your support
the full line-up
Hewick, Haynes and James
Fay Brotherhood
Stevie Rigsby
Notorious Dawson Brothers
Tony Knott
Kismet Hardy
Matt Dooner
Young Folk
see, you'd be crazy not to indulge in a lil' bit of that eh?!
if you really can't make it, but want to support the cause all the same, there's a JustGiving page for anybody who might want to donate online...
hope to see you there
peace out y'all
'Young Minds is the UK's leading charity committed to improving the emotional wellbeing and mental health of children and young people and empowering their parents and carers', there's more information on what they do on their website -
...this event is being held to mark what would have been the 40th birthday of John Rohleder who passed away in his early 20's having been diagnosed as a schizophrenic at university...
the whole event is FREE (donations are of course more than welcome), and there really are some top quality musicians coming out to lay down some most excellent music... so please c'mon down and show your support
the full line-up
Hewick, Haynes and James
Fay Brotherhood
Stevie Rigsby
Notorious Dawson Brothers
Tony Knott
Kismet Hardy
Matt Dooner
Young Folk
see, you'd be crazy not to indulge in a lil' bit of that eh?!
if you really can't make it, but want to support the cause all the same, there's a JustGiving page for anybody who might want to donate online...
hope to see you there
peace out y'all
Saturday, 23 April 2011
there's no milk in the fridge... (love the quaid)
sun is shining,damn right finley...
the weather is sweet yeah, [bwoi],
make you wanna move those dancin' feet...
there's gotta be something said for a tune that gets ya bogling like an eejit in a field... most likely "yeaman" - fits the bill and everything... 8)
you gotta love the quaye though...
...and the quaid. oh yes, you gotta love the quaid...
let's face it, anyone who was miniaturised, then injected into martin short and came out the other end fairly unaffected by the process deserves a prop or two...
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smooth like a quaid |
"the jack putter machine... zero defects!"but i like the quaid... (i also like quato but that's another quaid again...) i guess he's become like a surrogate hopp to me... although i'm not sure i'm feeling a quaid as smart cracking one-thumbed bomber, unlike the hopp he tends to work better with all his limbs...
he's definitely 'grizzled' up a bit since the 80's... that pissed-up cafe owner type in legion is pretty cool, and as piss-heads go i'd be just as likely to follow him into a cave full of zombies as that rowan atkinson bloke in the original (and best) day of the dead...
i do reckon a quaid zombie film would be pretty cool... if he'd have been in charge of fiddler's green the people would've been more bad-ass, and he'd of probably had them living outside in lil' spiky igloos, surrounded by razor wire... these days he's like a slightly-more rough-and-ready hopp...
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fiddler's green - living in the grand old style |
i could easily see him makin' it to the end, and contemplating the world in a weary-eyed "i-guess-i-gone-have-to-whup-this-much-zombie-ass-everyday" kinda way as he drives across arizona in a station wagon filled with guns (and a gnarly old machete)...
"zombies, man. they creep me out."if the modern quaid made a travel show it'd be a skin-a-bear-with-your-bare-teeth kind of affair... i wouldn't wanna be trapped in the andes with the quaid... whereas i reckon the hopp would probably opt for something with a constant number of walls, and a slice of luxury thrown in... (we're back to fiddler's green here)
i reckon by contrast, 'quato-quaid' (arnie) would be sh*t in the event of global zombie apocalypse... (just putting it out there)
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don't you try and pull that conan sh*t in here... |
but he would make a mighty cool zombie...
Thursday, 21 April 2011
'the difference'
glad to say its in the bag
its the best darn feeling that i ever had
when harry met sally, in a dark alley
killed it off with a shotgun marriage
and i don't care never been to louisiana
drove south, got as far as atlanta
that said, she don't know the distance
who cares cos' i can't tell the difference
...that's one of mine that is. its the first verse of 'the difference', the opening track on 'maximum dave', the second truism album. if you ever wondered what kind of music i was making in 2003... there's your answer...
potted history time, at that point 'truism' was a duo consisting of myself and friendy... we both did bass, guitar and vocals, and it was generally a case of swapping things around depending on the song... i have a copy of our first album 'freshly baked' somewhere, but i don't think it plays all the way through owing to us having the bright spark idea of putting it onto black discs (there was a monochrome/cost-cutting theme to the packaging, and at the time it seemed like a catchy way of expanding it, not realising that they wouldn't play on all CD players... as a further aside, the album was recorded onto cassette and then transfered via PC... now that is proper old-school.)
anywho, i had me a lil' listen to this track the other day (via the magic of as it isn't actually on my computer!!) was the first time in a while, and i was pleasantly surprised by it.
its this idiot on guitar and vocals (i think the beat came out of the DJX - far out), and now looking back i can kinda see how i was developing my style at the time... i don't really sing in that voice anymore, i rant a lot more these days, my pitching has definitely improved... but it feels like somekind of proto-bwoi sound...
8 years ago... wow.
some of the album is a bit sh*t... the last one in particular 'neon' is in major need of a re-work... which it will almost certainly never receive, partially because (and lets face it, i wrote it so i can say this) the subject matter is laboured to say the least... we never actually had a vocal line when we recorded it, so we pretty much just stapled one onto it...
i like the chorus, although i have probably sung it taking the piss with plummy vowels and everything, one or two times too many...
she believes in romance
neon asks her to dance
this could be something - i don't think so
she looks like the stars
talks straight to his heart
this could be something - i don't think so
most amusingly, judicious application of compression and a de-esser rendered really made heart sound like arse... and there-in was born a whole year of amusing jokes based there-on...
the verses were some contrived tale of a writer hiding behind his characters, who were destined to fall in love and one of whom was called neon... or something
we definitely wore our influences on our sleeves back then... there's a definite theme of 'eels-love' running through 'maximum dave', but in all honesty i reckon we can be let off...
the verses however are vintage fatbwoi...
more than just emotion - its a new height in devotion
cut you and she's bleeding
don't know what caused them - she has feelings she can't divorce them
says she "i'm made for you"
and personally i love the moo-ing on the chorus... let's be honest about this... ALL songs need moo's on the chorus... and that is science_FAKT!
both those tracks can be downloaded via should you so desire... i actually really enjoyed listening to them, i remember how i felt about them at the time (proud)... i was also really struck by how my song-writing (and playing) have come on since then... my structuring has definitely improved...
i can't wait to hear what kind of sounds i'll be making in 8 years time... i wonder what will be different?! but i'm definitely looking forward to it... gotta love the creating vibe, and trying out new things...
although i'm probably done with the barney songs now...
its the best darn feeling that i ever had
when harry met sally, in a dark alley
killed it off with a shotgun marriage
and i don't care never been to louisiana
drove south, got as far as atlanta
that said, she don't know the distance
who cares cos' i can't tell the difference
...that's one of mine that is. its the first verse of 'the difference', the opening track on 'maximum dave', the second truism album. if you ever wondered what kind of music i was making in 2003... there's your answer...
potted history time, at that point 'truism' was a duo consisting of myself and friendy... we both did bass, guitar and vocals, and it was generally a case of swapping things around depending on the song... i have a copy of our first album 'freshly baked' somewhere, but i don't think it plays all the way through owing to us having the bright spark idea of putting it onto black discs (there was a monochrome/cost-cutting theme to the packaging, and at the time it seemed like a catchy way of expanding it, not realising that they wouldn't play on all CD players... as a further aside, the album was recorded onto cassette and then transfered via PC... now that is proper old-school.)
anywho, i had me a lil' listen to this track the other day (via the magic of as it isn't actually on my computer!!) was the first time in a while, and i was pleasantly surprised by it.
its this idiot on guitar and vocals (i think the beat came out of the DJX - far out), and now looking back i can kinda see how i was developing my style at the time... i don't really sing in that voice anymore, i rant a lot more these days, my pitching has definitely improved... but it feels like somekind of proto-bwoi sound...
8 years ago... wow.
some of the album is a bit sh*t... the last one in particular 'neon' is in major need of a re-work... which it will almost certainly never receive, partially because (and lets face it, i wrote it so i can say this) the subject matter is laboured to say the least... we never actually had a vocal line when we recorded it, so we pretty much just stapled one onto it...
i like the chorus, although i have probably sung it taking the piss with plummy vowels and everything, one or two times too many...
she believes in romance
neon asks her to dance
this could be something - i don't think so
she looks like the stars
talks straight to his heart
this could be something - i don't think so
most amusingly, judicious application of compression and a de-esser rendered really made heart sound like arse... and there-in was born a whole year of amusing jokes based there-on...
the verses were some contrived tale of a writer hiding behind his characters, who were destined to fall in love and one of whom was called neon... or something
we definitely wore our influences on our sleeves back then... there's a definite theme of 'eels-love' running through 'maximum dave', but in all honesty i reckon we can be let off...
a- because the eels are coolone of my favourites is 'electrik cow', a song about mental girlfriend... the chorus on that: super-eels-y!!
b- because we we're still learning our chops, using the old school learn by making and doing method...
the verses however are vintage fatbwoi...
more than just emotion - its a new height in devotion
cut you and she's bleeding
don't know what caused them - she has feelings she can't divorce them
says she "i'm made for you"
and personally i love the moo-ing on the chorus... let's be honest about this... ALL songs need moo's on the chorus... and that is science_FAKT!
both those tracks can be downloaded via should you so desire... i actually really enjoyed listening to them, i remember how i felt about them at the time (proud)... i was also really struck by how my song-writing (and playing) have come on since then... my structuring has definitely improved...
i can't wait to hear what kind of sounds i'll be making in 8 years time... i wonder what will be different?! but i'm definitely looking forward to it... gotta love the creating vibe, and trying out new things...
although i'm probably done with the barney songs now...
free music,,
modus operandi,
Monday, 18 April 2011
space flute
so last week, april 12th, was the 50th anniversary of yuri gagarin's space flight... the first ever manned space flight, which is, let's be honest about it... pretty mental
there's the whole "wow... we were in space" angle, followed by the "wow... mankind sent neil armstrong to the moon using computers less technical than modern mobile phones" angle, and even the "why haven't we gone further afield, and where the f**k is my hoverboard" angle too...
but that's a whole other rant...
what i liked was the space-earth flute duet to celebrate the event... i love the idea of two people in different places jammin', especially when one of those places is space...
although i gotta be honest, part of me does wish they were playing guitars or something a bit more upbeat... but still space flute... i like that right about there...
who they? well the one on the left is nasa astronaut cady coleman, currently residing on the international space station... the other is jethro tull founder member ian anderson (obviously)...
oddly though, only one of these people looks like they are struggling in the vacuum of space...
the other one just has really crazy hair...
i've also been reliably informed that the one who looks a bit like jim bowen will NOT be wheeling out a speedboat to taunt you with... (although i'll wager he digs his real ale)...
i'd love to do a space music duet... bwoi on guitar, floating in the space station... i'd love to see the interaction between weightlessness and thang-shakery...
right on
as a matter of fact, i didn't buy any creme fraiche (pH 4.5) today...
...and that's why it smells just a little bit like a swimming pool.
i didn't actually buy any creme fraiche (pH 4.5) this week, or last week for that matter. but i probably do buy a lot more of it than you would expect from the look of me... which is weird, because this time last year it was just a funny name in a shop, that usually gave me an opportunity to have a lil' giggle somewhere between the ham and the cheese... (end of the aisle smartbwoi!!)
why i know the approximate pH of creme fraiche, without a single piece of litmus paper to my name, is quite beyond me...
i'm not even completely sure what it "does"... is it 'calci-yummy' like the cheese slice, or more 'just a bit weird'?!
ok that was a bit of a lie, i know something it does...
its the creamy (creme-y) thing in that spaghetti, spinach and bacon dish i've been makin'...
that's not the bacon dish, that's a cake (not to be confused with tea), which should, i believe, be served with creme fraiche... just putting it out there...
but the spinach thing... well first off, why the hell didn't the spinach 'bullets' unravel like i expected them too?! i certainly wasn't expectin' forest-floor-leaf-shit when i put them in the pan...
in all honesty the recipe has morphed quite considerably over time... it started out with four ingredients (i forgot the tomatoes) and a name which approximated the ratio of the ingredients to each other (the tomatoes weren't even mentioned hence forgetting them)...
now it generally contains whatever sh*t i have in my fridge (peppers mainly... i like peppers) and so much bacon that it needs to be renamed 'bacon and...' (i really like bacon)
it works really well with maple bacon, but the slices are thinner and you don't get so much in a pack (ideally you want 10-12 thick rashers)...
mushrooms have been thrown in a few times lately, although this is mainly 'cos my scientific observations taught me that they're good for soaking up the bacon juice, and if possible i'd rather avoid the whole 'sieving bacon' thing again... if that's ok
but the creme fraiche (remember that?!)... well i guess its there to perform some kind of binding action... or maybe just to reduce the sheer 'green' of it all... but you'd think that the sloppiness would help with the 'mixing-everything-up-with-the-spaghetti'-ness of it all...
wrong answer
cannot seem to get a handle on that bit... (go on, you can tell me, there's some kind of 'tool' isn't there?!)
there's a lot of similarities between this recipe and the way i make my music... there's definitely an element of mashing together whatever's 'to hand'... although i'm fairly sure my head is warmer than the fridge...
its curious, i think that's why i don't fit neatly into any of the boxes...
there's bits of, and starting points, and everyone's like "well he's a... oh sure, with the... uhm... of... something something..." and they're probably right.
all i know is that i'm just a bwoi busting moves, and as a matter of fact, i didn't buy any creme fraiche (ph 4.5) today...
peace-out y'all
i didn't actually buy any creme fraiche (pH 4.5) this week, or last week for that matter. but i probably do buy a lot more of it than you would expect from the look of me... which is weird, because this time last year it was just a funny name in a shop, that usually gave me an opportunity to have a lil' giggle somewhere between the ham and the cheese... (end of the aisle smartbwoi!!)
why i know the approximate pH of creme fraiche, without a single piece of litmus paper to my name, is quite beyond me...
i'm not even completely sure what it "does"... is it 'calci-yummy' like the cheese slice, or more 'just a bit weird'?!
ok that was a bit of a lie, i know something it does...
its the creamy (creme-y) thing in that spaghetti, spinach and bacon dish i've been makin'...
that's not the bacon dish, that's a cake (not to be confused with tea), which should, i believe, be served with creme fraiche... just putting it out there...
but the spinach thing... well first off, why the hell didn't the spinach 'bullets' unravel like i expected them too?! i certainly wasn't expectin' forest-floor-leaf-shit when i put them in the pan...
in all honesty the recipe has morphed quite considerably over time... it started out with four ingredients (i forgot the tomatoes) and a name which approximated the ratio of the ingredients to each other (the tomatoes weren't even mentioned hence forgetting them)...
now it generally contains whatever sh*t i have in my fridge (peppers mainly... i like peppers) and so much bacon that it needs to be renamed 'bacon and...' (i really like bacon)
it works really well with maple bacon, but the slices are thinner and you don't get so much in a pack (ideally you want 10-12 thick rashers)...
mushrooms have been thrown in a few times lately, although this is mainly 'cos my scientific observations taught me that they're good for soaking up the bacon juice, and if possible i'd rather avoid the whole 'sieving bacon' thing again... if that's ok
but the creme fraiche (remember that?!)... well i guess its there to perform some kind of binding action... or maybe just to reduce the sheer 'green' of it all... but you'd think that the sloppiness would help with the 'mixing-everything-up-with-the-spaghetti'-ness of it all...
wrong answer
cannot seem to get a handle on that bit... (go on, you can tell me, there's some kind of 'tool' isn't there?!)
there's a lot of similarities between this recipe and the way i make my music... there's definitely an element of mashing together whatever's 'to hand'... although i'm fairly sure my head is warmer than the fridge...
its curious, i think that's why i don't fit neatly into any of the boxes...
there's bits of, and starting points, and everyone's like "well he's a... oh sure, with the... uhm... of... something something..." and they're probably right.
all i know is that i'm just a bwoi busting moves, and as a matter of fact, i didn't buy any creme fraiche (ph 4.5) today...
peace-out y'all
Sunday, 17 April 2011
'sall about the lasers ...y'all
...or a global hyper-colour, although to be totally honest with you, i'm much less bothered about the squirrels - that's just the way it is...
sorry 'bout that...
but the lasers? dang fo' sho' that's real...
and despite constantly being told "its not always with the lasers man" and asked "what is it with you and the lasers dude?", this time it actually is... and what's more, that's science_FAKT!
if this isn't the coolest thing in the world, then i don't have my own personal gerbil army...
ladies and boy beings, i present to you...
the nano guitar
...and it ain't made by korg! this lil' beauty is only 10 microns long (about the size of a human red blood cell) and can only be played by shooting the strings with lasers... and if that ain't rock and roll, i don't know what is...
of course, no human ear can actually hear it... we typically have an audible range from 20Hz to 20kHz, generally lower owing to hearing degradation (too much bass? yeah apparently it is possible, so plug-up ya get me...?!?)... the scale length of this lil' thang dictates that the fundamental frequency of an open string (aka the root note) is gonna be waaaay up there, something in the order of 40MHz (megahertz)... like, wow! that's pretty damned high right about there...
put it mathematically, the lowest note on a bass guitar in standard tuning is about 41Hz...
megahertz are 106 Hz... make no sense? well 41Hz is 41Hz all day and all of the night, but 41MHz is 41,000,000Hz... big numbers right there...
maybe it would of been better if it output notes in the order of nanohertz 10-9Hz which would be pretty bowel-shakingly low, that's the kind of noise the earth makes, and brown noise ain't got a thing on that...
or my personal favourite yottahertz 1024Hz but let's be honest, if dogs can hear higher frequencies than humans... i don't wanna meet the beast that can hear all the way up there...
but i think my favourite thing about the whole nano guitar is the fact that they actually took the time to model pick-ups on it... two of them, they look like soapbars or 'buckers to me...
that's pretty far-out... cos even if they could nano-tech them into working at that size, it'd still end up sat on the end of the jack lead...
still want one though 8)
(if you wanna check out the article which i done read... (and steal the picture from) ... properly harvard referenced right there)
Tuesday, 12 April 2011
upcoming gigs alert...
word up you crazy cats...
there's some government legislation, apparently based on the misconceived notion that excessive exposure to fatbwoi could actually be dangerous for your health...
i reckon its probably rooted in that infamous 'dropping' incident, when the fate of the world rested in my hands... i still maintain that was not my fault... but sometimes you just can't argue with the media...
so here, completely in line with my civic (and legal) duty, is a lil' list of some of the places you can expect to shake-some-thang-happy-time with the bwoi...
Weds 27th - Rowell Charter Acoustic Club, Kettering
Sun 1st - Walrus Gumboot @ Lock 42, Leicester
Mon 2nd - Old Market Inn, Kettering
Fri 13th - The Hollybush, Cradley Heath
Sat 21st - Cross Keys, Milton Keynes
there's some other stuff in the pipeline, so watch this space...
in the meantime, why not c'mon down and wiggle it (just a lil' bit)... you know you want too!!
fatbwoi live @ the cross keys 090411
...and with the sound of flapping curtains, he was gone.
or at least that's what he wanted her to believe, for at that precise moment a plan had been hatched, a plan so fiendish that it cannot be disclosed for it would sear the digital page onto which it was written...
a lil' last minute, but got the chance to lay down some tunes at the cross keys, in good ole' concrete-cow land on saturday... the bwoi, the hometown, and a pub with red stripe (and also nice lemonade) on tap - happy time
as an aside, you'd think that the quality of lemonade would be fairly consistent between drinking establishments... yeah right. trust me, when the clear bubbly business is the first drink you always head for, you get pretty good at judging these things... and some pubs can really f**k it up! not gonna name name's, but i do believe one special exception to that rule must be the lemonade i had at the meadow lark during the england/wales qualifier a couple of weeks ago... looked like misty soap and sediment filled tap water, tasted weird to odd...
verdict - worth going there just to buy one and look at it (food always smells nice... but then they have managed to balls up lemonade, so make of that what you will...)
anywho, saturday... there was some definite shaking of the thang, and i had me a most-excellent time...
there was some stuff about chicken, even the one about god (well tv evangelist's and their personalised interpretation of god, but you know what i mean...), zombie apocalypse survival lessons, but was struck me as a bit weird was playing 'back in the day'...
i've noticed, as my gigs have moved closer to home, that people start to recognise 'the sights' listed in the lyrics, and playing it in milton keynes, everybody knows what i'm talking about... they know what the h's and v's are (it was a bit weird for me having driven on them that very day), and have almost certainly seen a concrete cow (i believe mk currently has two sets?!?!)
and i got to wondering, would i have written the song the same if i still lived 'dahrn sarf'?! cos i probably wouldn't have written a dudley song whilst living in dudley...
there's a castle on the hill
town centre's looking kind of ill
you can see the flamingos from the bus
oh dudley
but then that's a completely different type of song altogether... and i guess we'll never know. (that's like a double barrelled answer to a single piece of musing right about there)
either way b.i.t.d seemed to go down quite well, as did the rest of the set... and i got to test the bar staff's skill at mixing red stripe and lemonade... verdict - pass 8)
all in, a lot of fun... thanks to stevie for letting me play, will just have to see what kind mischief i can get up to next time...
back in the day,
cross keys,
live music,
milton keynes,
Monday, 11 April 2011
you learn something new everyday...
you learn something new everyday... thixotropy, for example, is the scientific word for that thing cornflour does... (also ketchup and catsup but NOT toothpaste, which is something completely different) ...aren't words great? but it would appear that, even at this early juncture, i have become distracted...
watched this video for the first time in an age the other day... always loved the song, as does kenyon and there's many a fond memory of hangin' out around the back of the vic (foundry... whatever) in ole sunny dudley, drunkenly singin' it and busting our own "crazy" moves... halcyon days
i also remember that as a youngster, i was a lil' confused about which one was actually paul simon... why wouldn't he be the singin' guy in the white coat, but you know i was like really small...
i know that the graceland album definitely had some kind of effect on my song-writing, parts of it are properly seared onto my brain... (had it on vinyl and everything!)
but the other day i realised a couple of new things...
first off, that juicy reversed snare... loves them i does, and if you've ever listened to any of my electronic stuff... they're all over that (the reverse snare is a beautiful noise!!)
but more importantly, i realised just how many moves i swiped... yea, it was with a slight sense of horror that i realised some of my 'moves' may have been influenced by the chase... read into that what you will, but there are some definite similarities in the delivery right about there (i am a bit more manic, but you'll see what i mean...)
read into that what you will... i'm not sure of the exact degree of direct influence von chase, it may just be a style of presentation... i'm not really sure, its like the joker says... "i'm just a dog chasing cars..."
i do know that to look at... it brings us neatly back to the f word...
you can never take yourself too seriously
had me a lot of fun on saturday night when i played at the cross keys in good ole' MK... brief burst of thang-shakery, and general fb randomness... a bit of a surprise gig, but it was definitely good for a giggle...
new sneakers too!! bwoi done love them sneakers... (happy time)
but anywho, today i learnt a lil' bit more about my own music...
Friday, 8 April 2011
you cannot break this tube...
there is a circle, ok, a ring... you cannot break this ring, well actually its more of a tube... but you cannot break this tube... is it a tube if it has a bulge? a bit like a diamond (mathematical) only smoother? is it a still tube then? for ease of purpose we'll say it is... you cannot break this tube... no matter how much you throw it about... you cannot break this tube... no matter how much you chew it... you cannot break this tube... stick your head through it, all around it from different angles... you cannot break this tube... use you back legs to gain extra purchase... you cannot break this tube... you are a gerbil, and you do a pretty good job of destroying everything... but you cannot break this tube... i have watched you nibble translucent neon hard styrene for fun, coating the floor of your abode with a crazy hyper-colour snow... you cannot break this tube...
but this doesn't stop you trying... and i cannot take the as-yet unbroken tube off you... despite the ridiculous amount of noise you manage to make with it... because, maybe one day you will break the tube, and i for one cannot wait to see the look of gerbil ecstasy on your face when you finally crack it (i think it'll be a bit like melon face)...
but for now, dear fiddy, despite your hardest efforts... you cannot break this tube
but this doesn't stop you trying... and i cannot take the as-yet unbroken tube off you... despite the ridiculous amount of noise you manage to make with it... because, maybe one day you will break the tube, and i for one cannot wait to see the look of gerbil ecstasy on your face when you finally crack it (i think it'll be a bit like melon face)...
but for now, dear fiddy, despite your hardest efforts... you cannot break this tube
Tuesday, 5 April 2011
the fatbwoi tetralogy
Ladies and Crazy Cats... it is with great pleasure that i present to you...
The Fatbwoi Tetralogy
a series of four hand-painted silk cushions carrying a selection of bwoi related motifs... bringing to you the greatest of comfort, and the ultimate of band accessories...
bring the pinnacle of design home to your crib...
The Bwoi (streetstyle) |
The F5 Logo |
The Spinning Bird Kick |
take the elegance of the spinning bird kick... what can you say but wah-ow?!
The Code Red/Bullet |
i make that a win/win
...this is a collection no home should be without!
"these truly are one of my favourite things ever..." - fatbwoi
this most-excellent works were crafted by the immensely talented heather collins...
with black and white designs by woody shearwood
the quadrilogy, and superdumbification...
last seen in the DY1, possibly eaten by one of dudley's wild (wild) horses...
may never have existed in the first place...
i always wanted 'malkara' to be a word... with a whole lot of wanting-ness (the wiki tells me that its a type of missile, but this is not the kind of word i want it to be...). i even tried just dropping it into conversation occaisionally... it works fairly well as an insult, less well in other contexts, thus...
"yeaman thats well malkara" is a lil' to ambiguous even when judged to the standards of contemporary street lingo...
"f**k off you malkara" when given a lil' spit and venom is still ambiguous, but both effective and offensive...
but once again, i did digress (me, wander off with it... at my age? with my reputation?)... i guess the point that i am trying to make is that i never actually tried to pass it off as real...
if we all start making up words, then we'd just end up talking incomprehensible gibberish... (more-so than usual obviously)
like quadrilogy... i properly dislike that word... i gives me a proper case of the wtf's...
that bastion of stored knowledge wiki, (yeah i know it would never do for an essay but whatever...) suggests that it was first used in 1865, what i definitely know is that it was popularised with the release of the alien dvd box set some time in the soon before...
why do i dislike this word so much?
a - because there's already a word for a series of four, tetralogy
b - its an awkward bastardisation of greek and latin, and yes i know there are plenty of them around, like television, but in most cases they are words which have been coined to describe a new invention and... see a
i am not some kinda stickler adverse to growth and change in a language...
but i don't dig the whole laziness and dumbing down vibe that's going on...
there is a series of words to describes series of different sizes, we as a society mastered trilogy (star wars was a trilogy, no language mashing confusion there...), so why should tetralogy be some damned difficult?! i don't say that 2x2 = y unless i'm being a pedantic bastard, because it has been establlished that its 4...
sometimes i guess you just gotta have standards
...otherwise you end up in a world with misspelt signs and random apostrophes all over the place.
and then we are only one step away from misspelt acronyms...
and that, is superdumbification.
last seen in the DY1, possibly eaten by one of dudley's wild (wild) horses...
may never have existed in the first place...
i always wanted 'malkara' to be a word... with a whole lot of wanting-ness (the wiki tells me that its a type of missile, but this is not the kind of word i want it to be...). i even tried just dropping it into conversation occaisionally... it works fairly well as an insult, less well in other contexts, thus...
"yeaman thats well malkara" is a lil' to ambiguous even when judged to the standards of contemporary street lingo...
"f**k off you malkara" when given a lil' spit and venom is still ambiguous, but both effective and offensive...
but once again, i did digress (me, wander off with it... at my age? with my reputation?)... i guess the point that i am trying to make is that i never actually tried to pass it off as real...
if we all start making up words, then we'd just end up talking incomprehensible gibberish... (more-so than usual obviously)
like quadrilogy... i properly dislike that word... i gives me a proper case of the wtf's...
that bastion of stored knowledge wiki, (yeah i know it would never do for an essay but whatever...) suggests that it was first used in 1865, what i definitely know is that it was popularised with the release of the alien dvd box set some time in the soon before...
why do i dislike this word so much?
a - because there's already a word for a series of four, tetralogy
b - its an awkward bastardisation of greek and latin, and yes i know there are plenty of them around, like television, but in most cases they are words which have been coined to describe a new invention and... see a
i am not some kinda stickler adverse to growth and change in a language...
but i don't dig the whole laziness and dumbing down vibe that's going on...
there is a series of words to describes series of different sizes, we as a society mastered trilogy (star wars was a trilogy, no language mashing confusion there...), so why should tetralogy be some damned difficult?! i don't say that 2x2 = y unless i'm being a pedantic bastard, because it has been establlished that its 4...
sometimes i guess you just gotta have standards
...otherwise you end up in a world with misspelt signs and random apostrophes all over the place.
and then we are only one step away from misspelt acronyms...
and that, is superdumbification.
Sunday, 3 April 2011
init jus'... for real
had me one of those multi-instrumentalist moments last night... right on.
got me invited to play at Jess's 30th bash last night (Happy Birthday Jess) by the e'er ineffable G (of mighty boomshadow/boombwoi fame)... and after our duo outing, for my birthday, on monday night we decided to drop another one of those 'once in a life'-ers again...
Omar played (really enjoyed that as i haven't seen my man play for some time... the big O is just too cool for so many things) ...and you gotta love that open shirt look 8)
[so cool is he that we even managed to drop an impromptu locomotion... which both a: made someone very happy b: taught us that we must never do this again, it is sealed with a kiss or nothing!! uhm...?!]
G played, and quite possibly scared of the dude from the scouts by opening with beastiality (billy bragg and phil jupitus)... and even whipped out his solo YMCA
i played, held off the nandos til the end of the set (damn weird feelin' that)... then G joined me for some nandos with a bullet on a sunny afternoon - although tbh drunk G had made an appearance by now, and there was some seriously enjoyable arms-outstrectched theatrics...
and then i did strap on a bass to join G and PC, and our powers combined...
hell yes.
take 50% mighty boomshadow add a smidgen of fatbwoi on the bass, don't rehearse and just drop it like its hot (drop it like its hot)... and that is how we roll!!
ja, for sure....
can't actually remember the last time i played bass with a band, and i had a most enjoyable time 8) (even when G went off on a mad solo during a song i didn't know/hadn't played and had to try and guess the key off - this is how we roll mo-fo!!).
but yeaman, i like, is nice... is nice, i like
really diggin' some of the incidental stuff PC and i were up to... bit of jazz, don't mind if i do, more a case of this is our thang, thus we must work it, doin' a bit of the ole' link-up shizzle - of course my horse 8)
properly enjoyed it though, nice addin' a bit of jazznofunknoswingnotechno bass to the mBs material... but then you gotta love the bass in general...
more bass...
had me one of those multi-instrumentalist moments last night... right on.
got me invited to play at Jess's 30th bash last night (Happy Birthday Jess) by the e'er ineffable G (of mighty boomshadow/boombwoi fame)... and after our duo outing, for my birthday, on monday night we decided to drop another one of those 'once in a life'-ers again...
Omar played (really enjoyed that as i haven't seen my man play for some time... the big O is just too cool for so many things) ...and you gotta love that open shirt look 8)
[so cool is he that we even managed to drop an impromptu locomotion... which both a: made someone very happy b: taught us that we must never do this again, it is sealed with a kiss or nothing!! uhm...?!]
the big O - oozing cool
i played, held off the nandos til the end of the set (damn weird feelin' that)... then G joined me for some nandos with a bullet on a sunny afternoon - although tbh drunk G had made an appearance by now, and there was some seriously enjoyable arms-outstrectched theatrics...
and then i did strap on a bass to join G and PC, and our powers combined...
hell yes.
take 50% mighty boomshadow add a smidgen of fatbwoi on the bass, don't rehearse and just drop it like its hot (drop it like its hot)... and that is how we roll!!
ja, for sure....
can't actually remember the last time i played bass with a band, and i had a most enjoyable time 8) (even when G went off on a mad solo during a song i didn't know/hadn't played and had to try and guess the key off - this is how we roll mo-fo!!).
but yeaman, i like, is nice... is nice, i like
really diggin' some of the incidental stuff PC and i were up to... bit of jazz, don't mind if i do, more a case of this is our thang, thus we must work it, doin' a bit of the ole' link-up shizzle - of course my horse 8)
properly enjoyed it though, nice addin' a bit of jazznofunknoswingnotechno bass to the mBs material... but then you gotta love the bass in general...
more bass...
Friday, 1 April 2011
you gotta conceptualise man...
so it just happened again, and once more did i engage with the curious phenomenon...
i can't help but wonder why the hottest place in my flat is a really random bit of wall in the kitchen... it is positively warm to the touch, and it's just the right height to be an ass-warmer... (not that i've tried you understand)
and i'm fairly sure its not the pipes, i'm not the most practical individual but even my limited 'practical sense' is telling me that its seriously inefficient for the pipes to be routed that way... (why would it be at ass height?)
and why is it hotter than anywhere else in my flat...?!?
like seriously so... its like my own lil' portable patch of sahara (except that its not portable, and is definitely a bit lacking on the sand side of things)... i'll wager that it'd be the first thing to get triangle-lasered should the predator ever visit my abode...
and what the hell is it with those predator dogs?! spikey mo-fo types... and a gruff voice does not batman make mr piano bloke... (i apologise if i have acidentally mis-cast him in the piano there... that factoid comes from second hand information right there...)
but the acoustics are quite nice in there, so in lieu of a giant jazz hand (that i can then mount on the wall and cup like a seat), leanin' my ass there for a strum will have to do for now...
happy time
i can't help but wonder why the hottest place in my flat is a really random bit of wall in the kitchen... it is positively warm to the touch, and it's just the right height to be an ass-warmer... (not that i've tried you understand)
and i'm fairly sure its not the pipes, i'm not the most practical individual but even my limited 'practical sense' is telling me that its seriously inefficient for the pipes to be routed that way... (why would it be at ass height?)
and why is it hotter than anywhere else in my flat...?!?
like seriously so... its like my own lil' portable patch of sahara (except that its not portable, and is definitely a bit lacking on the sand side of things)... i'll wager that it'd be the first thing to get triangle-lasered should the predator ever visit my abode...
and what the hell is it with those predator dogs?! spikey mo-fo types... and a gruff voice does not batman make mr piano bloke... (i apologise if i have acidentally mis-cast him in the piano there... that factoid comes from second hand information right there...)
but the acoustics are quite nice in there, so in lieu of a giant jazz hand (that i can then mount on the wall and cup like a seat), leanin' my ass there for a strum will have to do for now...
happy time
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